AL MADANIYA <h1>&nbsp;</h1> en-US (Fathin Masyhud) (Joko Liswadi) Mon, 20 Jan 2014 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 PENFOKUSAN DALAM BAHASA ARAB <p>Focus is a term used by some linguists in a two-part analysis of sentences which distinguishes between the information assumed by the speaker, and that which is at the centre of his communicative interest. Focus in this sense is opposed to presupposition. Based on the function of constituent’s Syntax, Focuses in arabic language are Focus (S), Focus (P), Focus (O) and Focus (K) and based on the status of constituent’s information, focuses in arabic language are Focus of contrast and completif focus. Focus of contrast includes paralel focus and Focus of cotrast- presupposition. Focus of cotrast- presupposition includes change of focus, expansion of focus, limitted focus, election of focus. Based on form used, The form of focus in arabic language includes inversion, addition, repetision, focus of contrast, completif focus, Focus of cotrast- presupposition, and imperative focus.<br /><br />Keyword : Forms Of Focus, Focus in arabic language, subject focus, object focus.predicate focus</p> Akhmad Sauqi Ahya' Copyright (c) Mon, 20 Jan 2014 00:00:00 +0000 PEMAHAMAN AYAT -AYAT MUTASYABBIHAH PERSPEKTIF BAHASA <p>This article talks about the verses muhkama&gt;t and verses mutasyabbiha&gt;t of presfektif language. Where in part according to scholars' language of the Qur'an wake of revelations muh{kama&gt;t and verses mutasyabbiha&gt;t. Others see that the language of the Qur'an consists of verses and passages intrinsic majazi (metaphorically). Discussion of books of commentary so far in understanding the language of the Qur'an are still struggling on two concepts. And if it is seen further that the language of the Qur'an is not only limited to the two concepts. But also pay attention to the human world are invited to speak at the next idea or thought that will be delivered or borrow the term skin al-Ghazali (Langage) and content (ideas presented). Epistemologically verses muhkama&gt;t is the verses are clear meaning, while the verses mutasyabbiha&gt;t is the verses are not clear meaning. So understanding is referring to verses muh {kama&gt; t. While the sentences are true sentences that are interpreted according to its primary meaning, while the verses mutasybbiha&gt;t be interpreted by shifting its primary meaning to another meaning in accordance with the reasoning and syar’i (majazi).<br />Keywords: muh {kama&gt;t, mutasyabbiha&gt;t, intrinsic, majazi.</p> Husein Aziz Copyright (c) Mon, 20 Jan 2014 00:00:00 +0000 ( قصة نبي الله أيوب عليه السلام فى القرآن الكريم (دراسة تحليلية برجماتية أدبية <p>Tulisan ini memiliki objek material kisah nabi Ayyub a.s. dalam al-Qur’an dan objek formal pendekatan pragmatik dalam keilmuan sastra dengan teori moral. Alasan pemilihan dua objek tersebut dikarenakan kisah nabi Ayyub a.s. dalam al-Quran memiliki beberapa nilai keteladanan tinggi melalui tokoh dan ceritanya yang memungkinkan pembaca mampu mentransfer nilai-nilai keutamaan tersebut dalam dirinya.</p><p>Dalam keilmuan sastra, pragmatik adalah sebuah pendekatan dalam kajian karya sastra yang menekankan peranan pembaca yang memiliki kewenangan dan kompetensi penuh untuk memproduksi makna sastra sebagai penikmat, penghayat dan penyambut karya sastra. Dalam versi Abrams, pragmatik dibedakan dari ekspresif (penekanan pengarang), mimetic (penekanan referensial/sosio-kultural) dan objektif (penekanan otonomikarya sastra).</p><p>Hasil analisa tulisan ini adalah, bahwa kisah nabi Ayyub a.s. dalam al-Qur’an memiliki sejumlah nilai edukatif bagi pembaca, yaitu: 1) Nilai edukatif bagi kehidupan individual : ajaran/nilai kesabaran, kesetiaan, kerendahan hati (etika do’a) dan menepati janji. 2) Nilai edukatif bagi kehidupan sosial : penegak hukum dan keadilan serta persamaaan derajat.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci</strong><em> :</em>Kisah Ayyub, Pragmatik, Nilai moralitas</p> Yulia Nasrul Lathifi Copyright (c) Mon, 20 Jan 2014 00:00:00 +0000 العربية فى دور التعليم: مشكلة مهارة كتابة اللغة العربية لمدرسي العلوم الإسلاميةفى الجامعة الإسلامية الحكومية الشيخ محمد جميل جمبيك ببوكيت تنجى نموذجا <p>Berbicara tentang keberhasilan pengajaran bahasa Arab tak bisa lepas dari perananan pengajarnya. Pengajaran bahasa Arab di perguruan tinggi Indonesia pada umumnya masih jauh dari harapan. Salah keterampilan berbahasa yang mendapat sorotan dalam kancah pengajaran adalah keterampilan menulis. Urgensitas keterampilan menulis dapat dilihat sebagai sumber ilmu pengetahuanm karena tingkat kebutuhan kepada bahasa tulis Arab di Indonesia masih dominan dibandingan bahasa lisan, karena pengaruh dari metode pengajaran tradisionil yang lebih mengedepankan keterampilan tulisan daripada lisan. Perlu pengukuran tingkat keabsahan sebuah tulisan dalam bahasa Arab dengan melakukan tahlil Akhtho’ (error analysis) terhadap tulisan-tulisan yang dihasilkan oleh pengajar bahasa Arab di perguruan tinggi Islam.</p><strong><em>Kata Kunci</em></strong><em>: perguruan tinggi, keterampilan tulisan, error analysis</em> Arman Husni Copyright (c) Mon, 20 Jan 2014 00:00:00 +0000 الظاهرة النحوية في المنجد <p>Objek kajian tulisan ini tertumpu pada kamus Arab” <em>AL</em><em>-</em><em>MUNJID</em>”. <em>Al-munjid</em> adalah kamus Arab seperti kamus-kamus lainnya, akan tetapi penulis menemukan didalamnya banyak hal yang berhubungan dengan Nahwu, seperti definisi sebagian istilah-istilah bab-bab Nahwu ,<em>I’rob</em>,kata pada susunan sebuah kalimat dan lain-lain.Dalam tulisan ini jugadisebutkan bagaimanacara penulisan kamus <em>Al-munjid</em>.</p><p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: <em>Al</em><em>-</em><em>munjid</em>, Nahwu, Metode penulisannya.</p> Ahmad Syaikhu Copyright (c) Mon, 20 Jan 2014 00:00:00 +0000 إعداد معلم اللغة العربية <p>The effort to internalize Arabic in Indonesia is a history that has never ended. Approach, technique, strategy, and method in teaching and instruction are designed, redesigned, and improved continuously based on needs and assertion of era. Right now, the education institution which is special to build and born Arabic teachers is facing some troubles, treats, and expectations. They are no separated part from honor effort to abide Arabic in world generally, and Indonesia especially. Arabic professional teacher is an obligatory item that must be developed and designed to matters on implementation success. In Arabian countries, Arabic professional teacher is a general program and has been implemented by professional implemented regulation and technical regulation. Changing and improving implemented regulation and technical regulation are effort to be done according to change and assertion that are present in program implementation. If those are implemented in Indonesia, so that, the appearance of professional teacher is only waiting time. Along time, the institution that concern to educate and build Arabic teacher candidates still find classical problem and seek the problem solving continuously. By integrated Arabic professional teacher program, it is expected to the future, friendly Arabic instruction in Indonesia will find the exact solution. Then, Arabic map that along time was gloomy will be bright more and more.</p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><strong>:</strong> Approach, technique, strategy, and method in teaching and instruction</p> Asep M. Tamam Copyright (c) Mon, 20 Jan 2014 00:00:00 +0000 النظرية السياقية و نظرية الحقول الدلالية <p>Ada banyak teori yang digunakan ahli bahasa dalam menganalisa makna, diantaranya: teori konteks dan teori medan makna. Makna menurut teori konteks adalah hasil penggunaan kata dalam bahasa yakni peletakan kata tersebut dalam konteks yang berbeda-beda. Konteks dibagi menjadi empat macam: 1. Konteks linguistik (<em>linguistic context</em>), 2. Konteks emotif (<em>emotional context</em>), 3. Konteks situasi (<em>situationala context</em>), dan 4. Konteks budaya (<em>cultural context</em>). Sedangkan makna menurut teori medan makna adalah hasil dari hubungan satu kata dengan kata-kata yang lain dalam kelompok leksikal. Kata-kata dalam kelompok leksikal ini dibagi dalam hubungan-hubungan sebagai berikut; sinonim (<em>synonymy</em>), hiponim (<em>hyponymy</em>), hubungan bagian dengan keseluruhan (<em>part-whole relation</em>), antonim (<em>antonymy</em>), dan ketidaksesuaian (<em>incompatibility</em>).Medan makna penting untuk membantu para penulis atau pembicara dalam memilih makna kata dengan tepat dan cermat.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci</strong>: Teori Konteks, Teori Medan Makna.</p> Nasikul Musthofa Copyright (c) Mon, 20 Jan 2014 00:00:00 +0000 FIGUR KHALIFAH UMAR BIN AL-KHATTAB DALAM PANDANGAN SASTRAWAN ARAB MODERN (Telaah Karya Abbas al-Aqqad, Hafidz Ibrahim dan Ali ahmad Bakatsir) <p><em>This article compares the three phenomenal work of the modern Arab poets of the same themes about figure Umar ibn al-Khattab. Abbas Mahmud al-Aqqad in “Abqariyatu Umar” he wrote works in prose, Hafidz Ibrahim in “al-Umariyah” written in the form poetry and Ali Ahmad Bakatheer in “Malhamat Umar” writen in drama. All of three works each maing it has the advantage in their respective fields. Through the study of the work that can increase our knowledge about the figure of Umar ibn al-Khattab.</em></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p><strong><em>keyword</em></strong><strong>:</strong> <em>Umar bin al-Khattab, Abbas al-Aqqad, Hafidz Ibrahim, Ali Ahmad Bakatsir.</em></p> Fatin Masyhud Copyright (c) Mon, 20 Jan 2014 00:00:00 +0000 FUNGSI, GUNA DAN PENYALAHGUNAAN ILMU NAHWU - SHARAF <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong>: <em>Nahwu, so far, has been understood as a tool to read kitab kuning (a yellow manuscript in Arabic without harakat about basic Islamic rules, commonly used in Indonesian Islamic Boarding School). Like other language rules, nahwu is a knowledge which used to explain the sentences uttered by the Arabic speaker so the listener understands the meaning. </em></p><p><em>That is why, nahwu is viewed as a tool to read the yellow manuscript. The use of nahwu turns into misuse because nahwu only has the function when people read yellow manuscript especially Basmalah without Harakat read in various readings and it does not match with the aim of Basmalah. </em></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p><strong><em>keyword</em></strong>: <em>nahwu, kitab kuning (a yellow manuscript), function, use, misuse. </em><em></em></p> Saidun Fiddaroini Copyright (c) Mon, 20 Jan 2014 00:00:00 +0000