SULUK: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya 2024-03-17T06:08:12+00:00 Novia Adibatus Shofah Open Journal Systems <p><strong>SULUK: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya</strong> (e-ISSN: <a href="">2714-7932</a>/p-ISSN: <a href="">2686-2689</a>) is a half-yearly journal published by the literary studies program of Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Suluk provides a forum for the scholar of literary studies, with special reference to linguistics, literature, and culture. The journal publishes articles on literature, language, philology, and culture of Indonesia with a special interest in the study of Indonesian literature and language. Suluk is accredited by Crossref, Google Scholar, Garuda, Indonesia Onesearch, Dimensions, Index Copernicus International, Research Bible, ROAD, Moraref, Scilit, BASE, WorldCat and has been <strong>accredited by National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) Managed by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, The Republic of Indonesia</strong> in the <strong><a href="">Fourth Grade of Sinta (Sinta 4)</a> from Volume 2 Issue 1 Maret 2020 to Volume 6 Issue 2 September 2024 </strong>according to decree Nomor 204/E/KPT/2022. Suluk uses the Open Journal System and email. It is a double-blind peer-reviewed by the national reviewers.</p> The Interesting Side of the Birth of a Demonstrator Mansur Samin in Ian Watt's Social Perspective 2024-03-17T04:31:35+00:00 Moch. Fachrul Mustika Jumiati Lanta M. Nurzin R. Kasau <p class="p1">The material object of this research is Mansur Samin's social criticism in his poem entitled "Pidato Seorang Demonstran". This poem is full of socio-political protests that discuss the situation experienced by the Indonesian people during the 1960s. The formal object of this poem uses a literary sociology approach adopted from Ian Waat's theory, which focuses on the societal aspects of literary works, considering them as the author's response to social reality. The findings produced in this study are that the poem "Pidato Seorang Demonstran" reflects the background of political change, economic instability, and dissatisfaction of the society at that time. The social criticism in this poem includes abuse of power, economic, political, and human rights issues. The critique addresses military repression, economic inequality, the behavior of political leaders, and human rights violations. The poem becomes a voice that reflects the socio-political conditions of Indonesia at that time and provides a perspective on the aspirations and discontent of the people.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Moch. Fachrul Mustika, Jumiati Lanta, M. Nurzin R. Kasau Problematika Penerjemahan Teks Bahasa Arab ke Bahasa Indonesia: Studi Kasus Alih Bahasa Alqur'an Departemen Agama 1976 2023-11-29T02:35:58+00:00 Burhan Djamaluddin Nurlailah Nurlailah <p>Menerjemahkan sebuah teks dari suatu bahasa ke dalam bahasa lain, misalnya dari bahasa Arab ke bahasa Indonesia, dapat dikatakan sebuah tantangan sekaligus usaha yang tidak mudah. Kesulitan umum yang galib dihadapi seorang penerjemah berupa terminologi-terminologi khusus dan khas dari bahasa asal yang kerapkali tidak memiliki padanan kata yang tepat dalam bahasa tujuan. Dalam teks Alqur’an yang notabene bahasa Arab terdapat beberapa istilah yang memerlukan ilmu bantu untuk dapat diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa tujuan. Kesulitan menerjemahkan teks bahasa Arab, utamanya teks Alqur’an ke dalam bahasa Indonesia terjadi karena dalam teks Alqur’an terdapat pelbagai terminologi yang berhubungan dengan persoalan teologi, hukum, dan persoalan lainnya. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan penguasaan yang memadai terkait dua bahasa khususnya kompetensi menerjemahkan bahasa Arab Alqur’an ke dalam bahasa Indonesia; kedua, penguasaan bidang ilmu dari topik yang diterjemahkan. Pengetahuan dari bidang ilmu ini menjadi penting lantaran banyak penerjemah yang sekadar menguasai bahasa Arab secara harafiah, tetapi bisa jadi tidak atau kurang menguasai bidang ilmu yang diterjemahkan. Konsekuensinya, tidak jarang hasil terjemahan demikian tidak memuaskan.</p> 2024-02-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Burhan Djamaluddin, Nurlailah Nurlailah Kecil-Kecil Punya Karya (KKPK) Tahun 2018-2022, Terbitan Mizan dan Citra Perempuan Muslim (Kajian Sastra Anak) 2024-02-23T09:05:54+00:00 Jiphie Gilia Indriyani <p>Dar!Mizan memiliki sebuah fokus pada seri KKPK, yaitu penulisan sastra anak berupa novel maupun komik dengan penulis anak. Menjadi lebih ekslusif lagi bahwa Dar!Mizan merupakan penerbit berbasis islami. Sastra anak merupakan sebuah pelajaran dalam bentuk narasi. Anak-anak sebagai pembaca menyerap pesan-pesan yang disampaikan oleh penulis atau penerbit. Hal ini menjadi dasar penelitian untuk menengok citra perempuan versi penulis pada buku anak yang diterbitkan oleh penerbit berbasis islami, Dar!Mizan. Simbol-simbol yang ditemukan kemudian dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan feminise Simone De Beauvoir. Tampak bahwa representasi perempuan muslim, baik anak-anak maupun dewasa dibalut dengan konsep islami. Perempuan islami yang maish anak-anak memiliki karakter-karakter yang kuat dan ekspresif. Sementara perempuan muslim yang dewasa tampak lebih banyak mendudukii ranah domestik.</p> 2024-03-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jiphie Gilia Indriyani Acehnese Language Addressing System: A Sociolinguistic Study in Indrapuri, Aceh Besar 2023-08-10T11:25:56+00:00 Nurlayli Yanti Rahil Helmi Wita Dwi Payana <p class="p1">This research aims to analyze the sociolinguistic aspects of the system of addressing terms in Acehnese in Indrapuri District, Aceh Besar. This study focuses on the complexity of language and variations in how to greet each other in AL, with an emphasis on social and linguistic aspects. In this study, the complexity referred to is the complexity or variations found in a particular language in an area. This research uses descriptive qualitative research, where the focus of the research is on exploring the social situation that will be studied thoroughly. The population used was native AL speakers, consisting of 15 respondents who lived in Indrapuri District, Aceh Besar Regency. The selected respondents spread across six villages, including Ulee Ue, Mon Alue, Cureh, Groet Baro, Seulangai, and Seuramoe. The respondent selection technique used purposive sampling, with the condition that the informant had intact speech organs, including complete teeth, and had lived in the Indrapuri area for more than ten years. The research instrument used was a questionnaire list of addressing terms that had been formulated. Data was collected through two methods: observation and questionnaire distribution to each respondent. The data is classified based on types and factors. The results of this research show that there are six types of addressing terms, including kinship terms, non-kinship terms, religious terms, occupational terms, pronouns, and proper names. Factors that create variations in addressing terms in AL include politeness, gender, family lineage (noble status), marital status, religion, and social status.</p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nurlayli Yanti, Rahil Helmi, Wita Dwi Payana Membidik Masa Depan Bahasa Di Era Society 5.0; Kajian Pemertahanan Bahasa 2023-10-11T03:43:51+00:00 Rosita Sofyaningrum Ningsih Lailatul Hidayah <p class="p1"> </p> <table class="t1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="td1" valign="top"> <p class="p2">The development of technology in the era of Society 5.0 has influenced social interactions and language changes. This research aims to describe the forms and functions of slang, as well as the importance of language maintenance that needs to be enhanced in the era of Society 5.0. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. This method describes language changes in terms of the formand function of slang, as well as the importance of language maintenance because of technological advancements in the era of Society 5.0. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation and note-taking. This method allows researchers to gain a deep understanding and insight that may not be visible through other approaches. Data was collected by observing language data used in digital platforms and then identifying them in the process of language formation and analysis of language functions.The results of this research include the existence of fifty slang words with the following formation processes: (1) phonemic structure reversal, (2) changes in the final syllable with -ay, (3) acronym, abbreviation, and phrase forms, (4) word reversal forms, and (5) words from regional languages. Data were analysed based on their functions as: (1) expressive, (2) directive, (3) informative, and (4) fative. As for research in the field of language maintenance resulting from technological changesand language usage, the required attitudes include: (1) language loyalty, (2) language pride, and (3) language norm awareness.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosita Sofyaningrum, Ningsih Lailatul Hidayah Kehidupan Survival Masyarakat Padang Pasir dalam Novel Wahat Al-Ghurub Karya Baha Taher (Perspektif Ekokritik Greg Garrard) 2023-06-26T23:54:09+00:00 Bening Nuha Nirmala Misbahus Surur <p> </p> <p><em>Desert is an ecosystem that rarely receives attention in literary works. This study discusses the representation of life in the desert and potrays it’s survival aspects in the novel “Wahat Al-Ghurub” by Baha Taher. This research is descriptive qualitative. The data source used is the novel “Wahat Al-Ghurub” (Sunset Oasis) by Baha Taher. Data collection was done by reading and taking note technique. Data were analyzed using Miles &amp; Huberman method, which consists of three stages: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. This study aims to describe how the desert’s environtment and survival aspects are described in the novel. The results of this study show that the author portrays the desert as a harsh and empty land, yet with a beautiful landscape. The author also describes how the desert affects human life, both physically and psychologically. In particular, the potrayal of the survival methods of it’s society to continue life within the vast expanse of the desert. This research provides a fresh perspective on the lesser-known aspects of desert life potrayed through literary works</em>.</p> <p> </p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Bening Nuha Nirmala, Misbahus Surur Transformasi majalah Annida masa akhir cetak: nilai-nilai moderatisme Islam pada dua cerpen dekade 2000-an (tinjauan sosiologi sastra) 2023-09-08T13:21:24+00:00 Lena Sayati Lily Tjahjandari <p>Majalah <em>Annida</em> merupakan majalah sastra yang banyak memuat cerpen-cerpen bernuansa Islam. Terbit antara 1991-2010, <em>Annida</em> banyak mengalami berbagai transformasi yang meliputi aspek tampilan maupun isi terutama pada masa-masa akhir cetak sebelum beralih ke platform digital. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis (a) transformasi konsep dan strategi <em>Annida</em> pada masa akhir cetak, (b) manifestasi nilai-nilai moderatisme Islam dalam merespon isu-isu kontemporer yang dihadirkan pada dua cerpen <em>Annida</em> tahun 2000-an <em>Afifah Si Sopir Angkot</em> dan <em>Kupu-Kupu Plastik</em>. Metode penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dalam bentuk kajian tekstual dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra Wellek-Warren. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Majalah <em>Annida</em> mengambil perannya dalam merespon isu-isu kontemporer di tahun 2000-an, baik domestik maupun internasional, dengan pendekatan sastra Islam yang luwes dan moderat. Hal tersebut terlihat dari perubahan yang terjadi pada tema-tema cerpen <em>Annida </em>di tahun-tahun sekitar itu. Para penulis <em>Annida </em>menggunakan cerpen sebagai strategi dalam merespon topik-topik aktual lewat penyisipan nilai-nilai moderatisme Islam baik pada aspek penokohan maupun alur cerita.</p> 2023-09-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Lena Sayati, Lily Tjahjandari